The Fifth International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH2019)
Date: 21 to 23 October 2019
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Download: Conference Handbook & Program
Monday 21 October
8:30-9:55am | PLENARY SESSION P1 LOCATION: Pentland Auditorium |
Dimensions of the Law Enforcement and Public Health Relationship CO-CHAIRS: Malcolm Graham, Deputy Chief Constable, Police Scotland David Crichton, Chair of NHS Health Scotland & the Scottish Police Authority SPEAKERS:
9.55-10.05am | WELCOME FROM YOUR HOSTS |
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Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Edinburgh Napier University |
10:05-10:30am | MORNING TEA |
10.30-11.55am | MAJOR SESSIONS |
M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 |
The Scottish Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health: how we got here and where we are going. | Public health approaches in policing | Police mental health and well-being
Note: This double session finishes at 1.00 |
Checkpoint: an innovative programme to navigate people away from the cycle of reoffending, and improve their well-being and life chances, particularly around the use of alcohol and drugs |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Pentland Auditorium |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CONVENER: Inga Heyman, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland |
CONVENER and CHAIR: Stan Gilmour, Thames Valley Police, England |
CONVENER: Katy Kamkar, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada CHAIR: Richard Southby, George Washington University, USA |
CONVENER: Gillian Routledge, Head of Tasking and Coordination, Durham Constabulary, England |
10.30 – 5.30pm | POSTERS
LOCATION: Ngozichukwuka Agu, University of South Florida, USA |
Robert Andersson, Linnaeus University, Sweden Evaluating qualitative police work by quantitative |
Garima Arora, University of Dundee, Scotland Is oral health an important factor for mental health among people in custody in Scottish prisons? |
Gil Artyom, First Moscow State Medical University, Russia Gaps in the legal regulation of nonbeverage alcohols consumed for drinking in Russia |
Roberta Guio de Azevedo, Federal University of Rio de Janiero, Brazil Silicosis in the extraction of ornamental granite in Espírito Santo, Brazil: to prevent you need to know |
Jane Buxton, University of British Columbia, Canada The silent increase of methamphetamine use and its harms |
Katherine Comer, Health Education England Modern slavery and public health |
Mikael Emseng, Umea University, Sweden Conflict management training among Swedish police officers |
He Gao, Imperial College London, England Use of TETRA personal radios and sickness absence in the Airwave Health Monitoring Study of the British police forces |
Mehdi Ghazinour, Umea University, Sweden Conflict management training among Swedish police officers |
Mery Gonzales Delgado, Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina Comparative analysis of public policies on the voluntary termination of pregnancy in Latin American countries in the period 2008 to 2018 |
Shi Haitao, University of Edinburgh, Scotland Community-based drug rehabilitation under the ‘People’s War on Drugs” in China |
Claudia Heinzelmann, German Prevention Congress Applied prevention research: crime and violence prevention in Germany |
Alexandra Hernandez, Touro University, USA Developing a ‘Health Equity and Criminal Justice (HECJ)’ concentration for a Master of Public Health (MPH) program: assessment of community partner and potential employer interest |
Ivana Jeles, Police College Croatia A new three-part approach to stress reduction in the Croatian Police Force |
Cecilia Jonsson, Linnaeus University Police cooperation with civil society: from a closed authority to an open social actor? |
Chanika Kaeorat, MMC Tools (Thailand) Co. Ltd. Legal problems regarding the disclosure of severe confidentiality of psychiatric patients by psychiatrists under Thai law |
Mohammad Karamouzian, University of British Columbia, Canada Intentional fentanyl use among people who use drugs in British Columbia, Canada: findings of the BC Harm Reduction Client’s Survey |
Paul Keppel, GGZ inGeest, The Nederlands Mobile Care Unit (The Nederlands) : an integrated approach |
Oluchukwu Obiora, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Experiences of girls who underwent female genital mutilation/cutting |
Tracey Price, University of Stirling, Scotland Diversion: criminal justice to drug treatment |
Islanda Rivera Arias, Fundacion Universitaria del Area Andina, Columbia Analysis of public policies of healthy work environments in some Latin American countries in the period from 2000 to 2019 |
Debbie Sigerson, NHS Health Scotland Smoke-free prisons: co-producing a service specification supporting people in our care |
Coral Sirdifield, University of Lincoln, England Healthcare for offenders on probation: availability and the relationship between health and criminal justice agencies |
Vaughan Statham & Andrew Clark, NHS National Services, Scotland National Strategic Networks for Police and Prison Care: a renewed approach |
Melissa Willoughby, University of Melbourne, Australia Increased risk of violence related death among people exposed to the criminal justice system |
12.05-1.00pm | CONVENED SESSIONS |
CV1 | CV2 | CV3 | CV4 |
Fighting domestic violence in Europe: best practices and major challenges | Drug courts: evidence, lessons learned and recommendations | The approach to violence reduction in Scotland and its wider application
The panel will address how the learning from Scotland can be transferred across very different areas of the country? What are the challenges and how can we overcome them? There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to violence prevention. However, what is key is the need to understand the underlying problems and how best to apply the evidenced based ‘solutions’. |
Public health approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: The Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
CONVENER: Joachim Kersten, Coordinator of the IMPRODOVA project, German Police University
CHAIR: Pat Griffin, Holy Family University, USA |
CONVENER: John Collins, Executive Director, London School of Economics Drug Policy Unit, England
CHAIR: Denise Tomasini-Joshi, Open Society Foundations, USA |
CONVENER AND FACILITATOR: Niven Rennie, Violence Reduction Unit, Glasgow, Scotland | CONVENER: Stuart Allardyce, Director of Stop It Now! Scotland, Lucy Faithfull Foundation, England |
1.00-2.00pm | LUNCH |
1.15-1.45pm | LUNCHTIME SESSIONS |
L 1 | L 2 | L3 |
Public health: should prosecutors mind their own business? | The police role in drug use scenarios: stigma and expectations of police actions | The disadvantage of a head start: why low and middle income countries might take the lead in developing LEPH |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR:Richard Bent, Simon Fraser University, Canada |
CHAIR: Nick Crofts, Centre for Law Enforcment and Public Health, Australia | CHAIR: Melissa Jardine, Centre for Law Enforcement & Public Health, Australia |
SPEAKER: David Harvie, Crown Agent, Scotland | SPEAKER: Commandante António Leitão da Silva, Chief of Polícia Municipal do Porto, Portugal | SPEAKER: Auke van Dijk, Police of the Netherlands |
C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 |
Collaboration & technology: building enhanced capacity for community safety and well-being
*This session will be a facilitated discussion |
Harm reduction | Mental health pathways and partnerships | Risk assessment and risk management of intimate partner violence | Developing best practices related to data, education and screening: working across sectors to improve outcomes associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CONVENER AND FACILITATOR: Chad Nilson, Collaboration Specialist, Living Skies Centre for Social Inquiry, Canada | CHAIR: Palani Narayanan, Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis Malaria | CHAIR: Nadine Dougall, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland | CONVENER: Susanne Strand, Orebro University, Sweden | CONVENER: Jocelynn Cook, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Canada |
PRACTITIONER SESSIONS AND FACILITATED WORKSHOPS (Marketplace of Ideas sessions will be longer, in smaller groups and should be highly interactive) |
MoI 1 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 2 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 3 (2 x 45 minute presentations) |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 1, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 2, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 3, Galloway Suite |
1.1 Jeff Thompson, Columbia University Medical Center | 2.1 John Harrison, College of Policing, UK & James Nye, Devon and Cornwall Police, UK | 3.1 Helen Christmas & Linda Hindle, Public Health England, Mike Cunningham, College of Policing, England |
Law enforcement psychological autopsy: hands-on workshop | A health promoting police force: an evolutionary development for well-being at work | Public health approaches to policing: practical tools for police forces and partners |
The purpose of creating the Law Enforcement Psychological Autopsy (LE-PA) was to adapt and modify current PA templates being used and suggested by researchers and groups including AAS in order to be practical for implementing in law enforcement.This workshop will raise awareness of what the psychological autopsy is and how it can be trained to law enforcement agencies so their personnel tasked with investigating suicides (including that of their own officers) can have a better understanding of suicide, the risk factors and warning signs, how to conduct interviews in order to build rapport and trust, and how to present the findings.In this session there will be group discussions, interactive example “test” questions, review of the LE-PA template, active listening exercises, and opportunities to review data. | The concept of a health-promoting police force arises as a consequence of a strategic approach to health and well-being. Investment in well-being requires culture change to embed it as business as usual. Successful policing of communities is contingent on promoting and maintaining high levels of health and well-being in our police officers and police staff. A health-promoting police force will be concerned with the health of our communities and our ability to influence this. There are clear links between some health issues and levels of crime.A policing – health collaboration would explore how police well-being resources and initiatives might be used to also benefit local communities. This session will comprise two short presentations followed by a facilitated discussion of set questions. | The question of “what exactly is a public health approach to policing?” is one that has often been raised, especially during the development and implementation of the Police and Health consensus for England. The phrase “a public health approach to” is used in different ways. In the UK at the moment there is a particular focus on public health approach to serious violence, but there has been a lack of clarity about meaning. We have developed a discussion paper, published with the College of Policing and Public Health England. It explores what a public health approach looks like for policing under five headings: population, prevention, causes of the causes, data and evidence base, partnership. Phase two of the project is to develop a set of principles and some practical materials to support the implementation of public health approaches in police forces. It is this part of the project that the Marketplace of Ideas session will focus on, seeking the input and agreement of the audience to finalise the resource. |
1.2 Ron Bruno, CIT International, USA Amy Watson, CIT and University of Illinois, Chicago, USA |
2.2 Abby McLeod & Katrina Sanders Australian Federal Police | 3.2 Lynne McNiven, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Scotland; Kathleen Winter, Crosshouse Hospital, Scotland; Joanne Logan, Police Scotland; Jemma Davidson and Alice Dillon, Community Justice Ayrshire, Scotland; Colin Convery, Police Scotland |
Building mental health crisis response systems: emerging best practices from the United States Mental health, police and other first responders | Connecting the dots: promoting a joined up approach to “diversity and inclusion” and “organisational health and well-being” | Working together to achieve more |
In many communities in the USA, police are the primary service to respond to individuals experiencing mental health crises. This can have significant negative consequences for all involved, and increase the over representation of individuals with mental illness in criminal justice system.
While many associate CIT with law enforcement training, the CIT model is much more and provides a useful framework for building mental health crisis response systems that minimize the involvement of law enforcement. The model develops partnerships across LE, mental health services, advocates and service users/family members. The panel format of this session will ensure the session is dynamic and engaging, we will take a team approach to presenting and involving audience members in discussion. Several segments of the session will ask the audience to walk through scenarios related to their own local crisis response resources and consider best practice strategies for building more comprehensive and responsive crisis response systems that minimize the role of police and the criminal justice system. |
In this session we aim to stimulate discussion about the relationship between organisational health and inclusion, and the ways in which policing organisations can connect these currently separate bodies of work to maximise benefits for all. In doing so, we will share reflections on our own experiences working to promote organisational health and inclusion in the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and offer our views on practical ways of bringing these areas of work closer together, including a consideration of risks and benefits. We will then invite participants to share their own experiences and ideas, through a semi-structured series of questions aimed to generate sharing and critical analysis. | The ACE’s framework provides a well researched explanatory model for the link between exposures to trauma and adversity in childhood, associated inter-generational transmission of adversity and long term negative health and social outcomes. Our work is multifaceted involving collaboration between colleagues from Police Scotland, Public Health, The Violence Reduction Unit and Community Justice who have worked closely to develop and deliver targeted pieces of joint work across Ayrshire. The initial feedback from 3rd sector, police officers, addiction workers and other individuals have highlighted subtle changes in practice which have enhanced experiences. There has been recognition at grass roots level of the “Start Where You Are and Do What You Can” ethos. Multidisciplinary and Agency Teams will discuss the journey undertaken to date highlighting challenges, sharing good practice, lessons learned from their perspective, Interactive session will engage with the audience. |
3.30-4.00pm | AFTERNOON TEA |
C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 |
Collaborative leadership | Police well-being I | Diversion | Impact of incarceration | Female genital mutilation |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR: Auke van Dijk, Police of The Netherlands |
CHAIR: Isabelle Bartkowiak-Theron, Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia | CHAIR: Liz Aston, Scottish Institute of Policing Research and Edinburgh Napier University | CHAIR: Greg Denham, Law Enforcement and HIV Network (LEAHN), Australia | CHAIR: Melissa Jardine, Centre for Law Enforcement & Public Health |
PRACTITIONER SESSIONS AND FACILITATED WORKSHOPS (Marketplace of Ideas sessions will be longer, in smaller groups and should be highly interactive) |
MoI 4 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 5 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 6 (2 x 45 minute presentations) |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 1, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 2, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 3, Galloway Suite |
4.1 Stan Gilmour & Lewis Prescott-Mayling, Thames Valley Police, England, Éamonn O’Moore, Public Health England | 5.1 Dave Caesar, Carol Goodman, Susan Fraser, Project Lift, Scotland, Steph Phillips, NHS24 Scotland, & Christine Goodall, University of Glasgow, Scotland |
6.1 Norrie Petrie, Police Scotland & Jardine Simpson, Scottish Recovery Consortium (SRC) |
Data analytics for law enforcement and public health in the Reading Model | Project Lift: collaboration – learning from practice | Substance misuse and the impact of stigma |
Individuals are affected by heterogeneous harm events (e.g. crimes, neglect, mental health, adverse childhood experiences) and the police, social care and health are tasked with reducing the likelihood of these events occurring and their harmful impact if they do. Often the identification of individuals or groups most likely to come to harm is done in isolation by each agency. This discussion will unpack the potential when multiagency data is brought together to forecast individuals and groups most likely to come to harm following adverse experiences being recorded by any agency. Currently most decisions on when and where to target public sector resources are ‘clinical decisions’. Public sector agencies need to utilise ‘data analytics’ to identify threat, harm, opportunity and risk which is more accurate than using clinical decisions alone. However, as not everything that needs to be considered is quantifiable, best practice blends clinical experience with quantitative evidence. It is simply likely to be more accurate, particularly when dealing with large numbers of cases as it is not possible for all information to be assessed by clinical based decisions. | This session will illustrate the issues or needs that this collaborative partnership is addressing. Project Lift is a new approach to recruit, retain, develop and manage talent within Health and Social Care in Scotland to ensure the best, most able leaders reach boardrooms. By identifying supporting, enhancing and growing its talent at every level, we will enable delivery of best outcomes for patients and high quality safe, effective care in our communities. Project Lift focuses on embedding a leadership approach underpinned by principles of collective, collaborative and compassionate leadership. The intended impact is for senior leaders in the Scottish Prison Service to use the learning and experiences of others, as well as their own, to inform their ongoing work to enable cultural and transformational change. The collaboration also offers rich experience and learning for the Criminal Justice Team.
We will offer insights and learning from our stories of collaboration from a number of sources: from our live collaborative experiments within leadership, more broadly from Project Lift leadership communities and from our own experiences of collaboration as a Project Lift team. |
Stigma is recognised as a key factor impacting on People Who Use Drugs (PWUD). It can cause reluctance in individuals to engage with services that could support them in tackling substance use and also any correlated issue(s) that may have been a factor that has resulted in substance use/addiction. The research will be delivered by way of a workshop. Attendees from a cross sector will be invited to provide feedback/stimulate discussion on the following key areas: How stigmatisation impacts are seen from different organisational perspectives who come into contact with PWUD.How the contact between organisations and PWUD can positively/negatively impact on the stigmatisation of an individual. How we can use the learnings to inform organisations about how they can positively influence individual and multi-organisational and community culture in relation to the stigmatisationof PWUDWhat success looks like and how do we measure it. |
4.2 Lesslie Young, Epilepsy Scotland | 5.2 Jac Charlier, TASC’s Center for Health and Justice, USA & Mike Trace, The Forward Trust, England | 6.2. Carolyn Thom,The Forensic Practice Vancouver, Canada & Scott Jones, Edmonton Police Service, Canada |
Are you going to kill me? The potential fatal consequences of misinterpreted behaviour | Deciding when to “deflect”: a visual model of police decision-making factors | Canine assisted child forensic interviewing in child abuse cases |
Epilepsy is the world’s most common neurological condition and seizures present in a huge variety of ways involving impaired consciousness and cognition, and sometimes automatism or inappropriate behaviours. The post-seizure period may be associated with communication difficulties, confusion and impaired cognition, amnesia, emotional instability and post-ictal psychosis. It poses particular challenges to law enforcement through individuals displaying seizure-related behaviour which can be misinterpreted – sometimes with fatal consequences. This session discusses epilepsy and how it can manifest in a law enforcement situation, including automatism behaviour. It describes the effects of the condition beyond seizures and how this may impact the work of police and prosecutors. It also details questions those in law enforcement can ask themselves in identifying whether apparently criminal behaviour is in fact related to seizure activity. This is a practical session, brought to life with thought-provoking case studies and footage. | There is a groundswell of government and police-led innovations designed to link people affected by mental health and substance use issues to treatment and community services. As developments unfold, it is important to share ideas and practices across jurisdictions and collaborate in producing shared conceptual frameworks and models of systems-wide change. Researchers and practitioners across the law enforcement and public health sectors must develop a shared understanding of first responder decision-making and the specific factors that influence officers’ decisions to divert or “deflect” people away from criminal justice interventions. This session will offer a provisional visual model for considering officer decision-making, incorporating what is known about deflection decision-making and the contextual factors that influence decisions to deflect in different sites. The initiative seeks to develop a robust model of systems-wide change that can guide research and collaborative work to shift strategies aimed at addressing mental health and substance use conditions away from law enforcement/criminal justice responses to community-based treatment. Presenters will workshop the model with attendees and map out how the decision-making processes play out in different contexts. |
This session will include an oral presentation with photographic and video demonstrations that will describe the impact of a Canine Assistance Intervention (CAI) program in a Canadian Child Advocacy Centre, in the context of criminal investigations of child maltreatment. The Centre is a collaborative community approach utilizing a multidisciplinary team including police, child protection workers, medical personnel, therapists, prosecutors and victim advocates. In 2015 service dogs were allowed to join child witnesses in court whilst testifying re child abuse matters. |
Hosted by Police Scotland and the Scottish Intitute for Policing Research
DCC Malcolm Graham, Partnership, Prevention and Community Well-being, Police Scotland Liz Aston, Director of Scottish Institute for Policing Research, Scotland
Tuesday 22 October
8:30-10:00am | PLENARY SESSION P2
Dimensions of Wellbeing in Law Enforcement and Public Health CO-CHAIRS: Gary Ritchie, Assistant Chief Constable, Police Scotland Gerald McLaughlin, Chief Executive, NHS Health Scotland SPEAKERS:
8.30-3.00pm | POSTERS – See Monday at 10.30 for a list of poster presentations |
10.00-10.45am | LEPH ORATION |
LOCATION: PROFESSOR SIR HARRY BURNS Professor of Global Public Health University of Strathclyde, Scotland Well-being: what is it and how does society create it |
10:45-11:15am | MORNING TEA |
11.15am-12.45pm | MAJOR SESSIONS |
M5 | M6 | M7 | M8 |
Leave your ego at the door | Models and mechanisms supporting LE/MH partnerships to improve response to individuals with behavioral health conditions | Early Action Together Programme: moving from understanding to operationalising trauma-informed policing in Wales | Learning from Canada’s accelerating journey toward collaborative Community, Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Pentland Auditorium |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth room, Lomond Suite |
CONVENER: Linda Hindle, Public Health England CHAIR: Liz Aston Scottish Institute of Policing Research and Edinburgh Napier University |
CONVENER: Amy Watson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA | CONVENER: Dusty Kennedy, Public Health Wales
CHAIR: Nadine Dougall, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland |
CONVENER: Norm Taylor, Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, Canada |
Current case studies in locally-led & collaborative CSWP planning & action Case Study # 1:
Case Study # 2:
All Presenters: Interactive Panel & Town Hall |
12.45-2.00pm | LUNCH |
1.00-1.40pm | LUNCHTIME SESSIONS |
L 4 | L 5 | L6 |
Cutting crime with compassion: a curious defence lawyer’s story | Meet the Editor – writing for the special LEPH journal issues An introduction to the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR:Leah Pope, Vera Institute for Justice, USA | CHAIR:Inga Heyman, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland | |
SPEAKER: Iain Smith, Keegan Smith Defence Lawyers, Scotland | SPEAKER: Lawrie Elliott, Editor and Chief, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland |
C11 | C12 | C13 | C14 | C15 |
Health and health needs of people involved with criminal justice | Harm Reduction in different countries I | Sex work | Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) I |
The role of prosecutors in achieving public health goals |
LOCATION: Ochil room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR: Éamonn O’Moore, Public Health England | CHAIR: Auke van Dijk, Police of the Netherlands | CHAIR: Melissa Jardine, Centre for Law Enforcement & Public Health |
CHAIR: Nadine Dougall, Edinburgh Napier University |
CONVENER: Lucy Lang, John Jay College, USA |
PRACTITIONER SESSIONS AND FACILITATED WORKSHOPS (Marketplace of Ideas sessions will be longer, in smaller groups and should be highly interactive) |
MoI 7 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 8 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 9 (2 x 45 minute presentations) |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 1, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 2, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 3, Galloway Suite |
7.1 Elaine Tomlinson, Police Scotland, Mental health, police and other first respondersJohn Mitchell, Mental Health Directorate, Scottish Government, Distress Brief Intervention (DBI): working beyond frontline boundaries to build connected, compassionate support for people presenting in distressSession is joined by designated members of DBI programme from Emergency Services and 3rd party sector agencies |
8.1 Jan Fox, Edmonton Police Service & Dale McFee, Edmonton City Chief of Police, Canada | 9.1 Madeleine Smith, REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities, and, Dan Jones, University of Huddersfield, England |
Collaborations, systems change and community safety: the 24/7 Crisis Diversion Initiative | Collaborating to provide trauma informed training to frontline workers and law enforcement members | |
Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) supports adults with emotional pain. It provides services with the ability to provide a caring and compassionate response for those in distress. The need to improve the response for people in distress was strongly advocated by people with lived experience, frontline services and research. In response Scottish Government established the DBI programme in November 2016. This is a national and regional distress collaboration between Health and Social care, Primary Care, Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS Emergency Departments and 3rd sector agencies.
Community Triage is for persons who come into contact with the police in the community and are suffering from mental health crisis. Community Triage is available in 9 out of 13 local policing divisions in Scotland. Police Officers can request the assistance of Mental Health professionals to provide advice. The panel will share their experience in relation to the initiatives and outline the intentions, learning and future direction of their work. They will then be open to questions from the audience. |
24/7 Crisis Diversion is a first-rate example of collaborative leadership. Edmonton police officers spend a disproportionate amount of time responding to ‘social disorder’ call each year. This represents thousands of events, many of which do not require police intervention and could be better addressed with community supports. 24/7 Crisis Diversion Teams respond to calls directly from emergency services, as well as public dispatch via the ‘211’ line, for citizens experiencing non-emergency crises. Teams address the crisis at hand and follow a ‘warm handoff’ protocol to connect the person with supports they need 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. The 24/7 Crisis Diversion team responded to 14,412 events in 2018 alone and is seen as an essential service to the City of Edmonton. Robust social media campaigns have reached hundreds of thousands of citizens, providing a non-emergency resource to call when they see a vulnerable person needing help. In this session we will show videos from multiple perspectives of the collaborative, offer an interactive simulation of our real-time information system and engage in frank discussion of the challenges and barriers to the success of the initiative. We will also personalize the work by showcasing client journey maps of vulnerable Edmontonians who have engaged with our services. | REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities is a backbone organization that works to mobilize and coordinate organizations, community groups and Edmontonians to find innovative solutions to community safety and prevention. For the last 5 years REACH has supported the Trauma Informed Edmonton Committee (TIE) – a network of leading social service agencies and the Edmonton Police Services. The committee acknowledges that personal and intergenerational trauma is one of the most salient contributing factors resulting in people’s involvement in the justice and correctional system. The over-arching goal is to ensure services engaging with vulnerable populations are trauma-informed. This initiative is based on a collaborative and innovative approach to delivering trauma informed training, research and networking in Edmonton. TIE’s approach has resulted in front line workers and support staff creating better service outcomes for clients, which in turn contributes to harm reduction and safer communities. A short Power Point presentation will highlight a recent environmental scan of clients, perspectives on staff knowledge, and trauma informed capacity and a video of the most recent training that speaks to this effective approach to training via interviews with training participants, facilitators, and Indigenous Elders. |
7.2 Neil Wilson, Police Scotland, & Jess Davidson, NHS Lothian, Scotland |
8.2 Carlyn Muir, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Australia |
9.2 Helen Douglas, North Wales Police, & Vicky Jones, North Wales Police and Early Action Together Program |
Operation Threshhold: assertive outreach | Bringing policing for road safety out of the shadows | Improving community and individual resilience through social navigation: an early help pathway to address vulnerability |
Operation Threshold was conceived and initiated in Edinburgh to identify, engage and support drug users at the greatest risk of harm whilst robustly targeting those seeking to exploit vulnerable users through enforcement activity. The proposed discussion group will explore the assertive outreach strand of the approach that involved a police led intelligence cell retrospectively reviewing incidents and information systems to identify those who had suffered instances of public space non-fatal overdose. Once identified, the individual’s circumstances were triaged by a single point of contact within NHS Lothian who evaluated their health needs, reviewed recent contact with support and treatment services and generated an anticipatory care plan. Subsequently, the engagement team, comprised of police officers and peer mentors with lived experience of addiction, traced the individual and provided the necessary support or signposting/onward referral as appropriate. The session will include presentations from police and health representatives supported by case studies to probe the effectiveness of the approach, and will incorporate time for discussion and an overview of planned future work to further enhance inter-agency information sharing. | Road trauma continues to be a global public health problem with between 20 and 50 million people disabled and 1.35 million people killed annually – 90% of the deaths occurring in low‐and middle‐income countries (LMICs). While a decrease in deaths has occurred in many high‐income countries, this is not the case in LMICs., where deaths are projected to increase by 80% over the next 20 years to become the second leading cause in the global burden of disease ranking.While road safety is an intersectoral issue police have a unique opportunity to achieve road-user behaviour change (and resulting public health benefits) through intensive and strategic enforcement. Police are a lead agency for road safety across government in many LMICs. However currently, prioritisation, institutional support and capacity for road policing in many LMICs is low. In 2017, Monash University (MUARC), WHO and Victoria Police hosted a Workshop on Safe Systems and Police Enforcement for Road Safety, which was attended by Chiefs of Police in selected Pacific Island countries. The focus of this session is to present a case example of the development and implementation of a police capacity building program suitable for LMICs and to bring together operational police, researchers and related agencies to share experiences, challenges and future opportunities for traffic policing in LMICs. | Whilst Police demand for public welfare and safety is increasing, efforts to address vulnerability often result in “no further action” (NFA), with many individuals unable to receive intervention to address their needs. To address the lack of early intervention and preventative activity the Early Action Together Program was developed, a collaboration between Public Health Wales and the four Wales Police Forces and Police and Crime Commissioners, in partnership with Criminal Justice, Youth Justice and third sector organisations. The programme aims to facilitate the start of a transformation of policing and criminal justice in Wales to take a multi-agency, public health ACE and trauma informed approach to vulnerability. Each force are required to develop localised early help referral pathways to address vulnerability at the earliest opportunity and where possible, before statutory intervention is required. North Wales Police are testing Social Navigation models within a policing context, a multi-agency approach which draws on local partners to find a community resolution to address presenting needs or vulnerabilities that do not meet statutory thresholds.
The session will present this model and early findings from evaluation and research video clips and animations, a case study and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, feedback on outcomes and share good practice. |
3.30-4.00pm | AFTERNOON TEA |
C16 | C17 | C18 | C19 | C20 | ||
Effective police responses to mental health related calls |
Police well-being/ill mental health |
Neurocognitive disorders and law enforcement |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR: Stuart Thomas RMIT University, Australia | CHAIR: Andrew Wooff, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland | CHAIR: Ian de Terte, Massey University, New Zealand | CHAIR: Jamie Clover, Edmonton Police, Canada | CHAIR: Richard Bent Simon Fraser University, Canada | ||
MoI 10 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 11 (2 x 45 minute presentations) | MoI 12 (2 x 45 minute presentations) |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 1, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 2, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 3, Galloway Suite |
10.1 Janet Whitley, Workforce Scotland, & Dot McLaughlin, Scottish Government | 11.1 Claire Coleman & Emma Croft, Police Scotland |
12.1 Ian Thomson & Claire Craig, Police Scotland |
Collective Leadership for Scotland | Supporting police: understanding CAM and its foundations in the THRIVE Model | Your well-being matters: Police Scotland’s approach to well-being and resilience |
There is a growing recognition of the need for shared responsibility in leadership and action across public services in Scotland. There is a growing understanding of the need to work differently to achieve better outcomes and tackle inequalities. There is also an increasing understanding of the complex, systemic and interrelated nature of many issues that we are trying to address. With this comes the recognition that no single organisation, group or agency can tackle these alone, and that effective collaboration in support of transformed outcomes is difficult to achieve. Collective Leadership is an innovative programme of leadership development which works with multi-partner groups of leaders at whatever level they are in the system, seeking to tackle a societal or place-based issue for which they have day to day responsibility, actively drawing on theories and learning relevant to the issue and to leadership. Collective Leadership for Scotland seeks to reach beyond the boundaries of traditional hierarchies and public institutions tackling issues like, mental health and policing or the links between health and justice.Session participants will be involved in activities that will focus on their own complex issues and have an opportunity to reflect on their skills in practice. | Police Scotland is rolling out the Contact Assessment Model (CAM) Project, to transform the way that Police Scotland assesses and responds to vulnerability. In addition to adopting the THRIVE assessment (THRIVE – Threat, Harm, Risk, Investigation, Vulnerability, Engagement) methodology the CAM Project will also seek to introduce a range of alternate resolution options, designed around meeting the needs of the caller. One such leading option at initial point of contact will be Mental Health Pathways (MHP)
In advance of the implementation of CAM and the MHP, the only resolution option currently available to Police Scotland Control Room / Service Centre staff dealing with distressed adult callers / people with apparent mental health issues is to arrange for police officer attendance. Whilst calls of this nature typically generate a high priority police response, police officers receive very limited training in relation to mental health.This will be an informal session where participants will understand what CAM actually means, how it is based on the THRIVE model and what the scale/ scope of it is, as well as how we have implemented it – and how it is being received. We see this as an opportunity to get other policing partners to interact with us and will look for their advice, guidance and some ideas as well. |
Working within the emergency services involves exposure to stress including violent and traumatic events which can generate an increased risk of developing mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Police Scotland have created the “Your Well-being Matters” programme, to ensure that our officers and staff feel informed, valued and supported – physically, psychologically, socially and financially. The program offers EAP services available 24 hrs a day and TRiM, a trauma focused peer support system. Furthermore a national network of more than 200 Well-being Champions has been established, all receiving NHS accredited Scottish Mental Health First Aid Training. The programme is embedding a culture where the promotion of well-being is integrated into all aspects of the organisation. This is creating a safe positive and healthy working environment for all officers and staff whilst ensuring that managers are equipped with effective and practical information, policies and guidance to support the well-being of their teams. This session will include input from a serving Police Superintendent, who with 25 years police experience has lived with the challenge of suffering poor mental health throughout a large part of his service. |
10.2 Martin Gallagher, Fil Capaldi and Nathan Claderwood, Police Scotland, Iain Keith, NHS Scotland, & Colin Atkinson, University of West Scotland |
11.2 Rachel Staniforth, South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit, England & Melanie Palin, South Yorkshire Police, England | 12.2 Caitlin Britten, Rose McNabb, Julie Reiger & Ashlee Lierich, Maryborough Educational Centre, Australia |
Policing Paisley in partnership | Fortifying our relationships | A story of hope: a whole community’s response to disadvantage |
This session will examine systemic issues in police and NHS incident management; the effect of a new substance (Etizolam) on the local violence profile; measures taken to improve NHS and Police partnerships; measures taken to mitigate rise in violence. Two complimentary but discreet projects will be presented: Joint Police and NHS SLWG formed (Acute Interface Meeting), protocols revisited, local drug scene information shared, Police undertook NHS staff briefing program. Operation Winter Shield focused on violence reduction through targeted intelligence led stop and search, licensed premises’ interventions, focus on street level Etizolam supply. The Panel has been heavily personally invested in the matters above, are forward thinking individuals who will take questions and comments from the audience during the panel rather than this being an information download, ensuring audience participation. | Serious and organised crime in Sheffield is rising and it is necessary to explore alternative ways of disrupting serious and organised crime. A co-located team was operationally led by a Partnership Lead (Sheffield City Council), Public Health Lead (Health Education England), and a Detective Inspector (South Yorkshire Police).This team actively shares intelligence to disrupt serious and organised crime. The public health leadership fellow is engaged as a public health lead for Operation Fortify and is based within a police building and provides a public health perspective and completes the circle of prevent, prepare, protect and pursue by linking in other organisations from the wider system and bringing attention to the causes of serious and organised crime. This session will be a knowledge exchange. We have a couple of options for making the session interactive and dynamic including role and group analyses of the challenges faced. | Maryborough is a pretty post-goldrush town in Central Victoria, Australia where disadvantage is manifested in avoidable death, low birth-weight babies, mental health problems, family violence, unemployment and complex high risk health compromising behaviours. Many students are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Attendance and low self-belief remain challenges for the school, however, this story is not one of tragedy but of love and hope. A raft of interventions was initiated by educators to help students enjoy the present and cultivate belief in the future. This tale will include a baby-animal sanctuary, trauma-informed practice, two dogs, a “Nurture Group”, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and a well-being farm. It will talk of students who left town to study, returning as a new generation of educators and mentors to champion their school and determined to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage. This session will be led by two secondary school students from Maryborough Education Centre. |
Wednesday 23 October
8:30-10:00am | PLENARY SESSION P3 LOCATION: Pentland Auditorium |
Dimensions of Public Health Approaches to Violence and Injury CO CHAIR: Gillian Imery, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Scotland Cath Denholm, Director of Strategy, NHS Health Scotland
10:00-10:30am | MORNING TEA |
10.30-11.55am | MAJOR SESSIONS |
M9 | M10 | M11 | M12 | ||||
Autism and policing: supporting autistic individuals in police custody | Police mental health and well-being | Five nations’ health & justice collaboration | Collaboration and collaborative leadership | ||||
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Pentland Auditorium |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
CONVENER: Chloe Holloway, University of Nottingham, England | CONVENER: Yasmeen Krameddine, University of Alberta, Canada | CONVENER: Éamonn O’Moore, Public Health England | CHAIR: Emma Williams, Canterbury Centre for Policing Research, England | ||||
12.05-1.00pm | CONVENED SESSIONS |
CV5 | CV6 | CV7 | CV8 |
Breaking boundaries: bringing public health practice to public safety | LATE BREAKING SESSION
Trauma informed organisations: what, why and how? | Road safety |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot room, Lomond Suite | LOCATION: Kilsyth room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
CONVENER: Kris Nyrop, Public Defender Association, USA | CHAIRS: | CONVENER: Caroline Bruce, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) | CONVENER: Helen Wells, Keele University, England |
1.00-2.00pm | LUNCH |
1.15-1.45pm | LUNCHTIME SESSIONS |
L7 | L8 | L9 |
Start where you are and do what you can! Callum was born and raised in a very challenging environment in Glasgow’s East End. His early life was one of significant trauma, which resulted in low aspiration, exclusion, fear, addiction and crime. Both as a perpetrator and victim, Callum was no stranger to violence and prison was a regular destination for him. He then encountered life changing interventions from people and organisations he thought would be the last to help him and this has resulted in Callum turning his life around. Callum is now an experienced and inspirational mentor and public speaker. He knows first-hand how we can all make a difference. |
The impact of police officer stress on health and performance: a Canadian perspective | Meet the Editor – an introduction to the Journal of Community Safety and Well-being |
LOCATION: Kilsyth Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
CHAIR: Will Linden, Violence Reduction Unit, Scotland | CHAIR: Grant Edwards, Australian Federal Police | CHAIR: |
SPEAKER: Callum Hutchison |
SPEAKER: Greg Anderson, Justice Institute of British Columbia | SPEAKER: Norm Taylor, Editor, Saskatchewan, Canada |
C21 | C22 | C23 | C24 | C25 |
Hate crime and terrorism | Incarceration | Mental health in institutions and institutional responses | To be advised | To be advised |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR: Joaquim Kersten, German Police University, Muenster | CHAIR: Sunita Sturup-Toft, Public Health England & UK Collaborating Centre for WHO Health In Prisons Program | CHAIR: Dani Kesic,RMIT University, Australia |
MoI 13 (This session occupies the full 90 minutes) | MoI 14 (This session occupies the full 90 minutes) | MoI 15 (2 x 45 minute presentations) |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 1, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 2, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Carrick Room 3, Galloway Suite |
Amber Christensen Fullmer, University of Alaska, USA | Lesley Graham, NHS National Services Scotland, Amanda O’Byrne, Police Scotland | 15.1 Carolyn Bruce, University of Glasgow, Scotland |
Intimate partner violence (IPV) in Alaska: a focus on perpetrators of IPV using a culturally-competent response | A public health approach to police custody healthcare | Taking a trauma informed lens to law enforcement |
Alaska is one of the most culturally diverse states in the United States of America. It is home to many tribes of indigenous peoples as well as a significant immigrant population representing virtually every culture on earth and has the highest rate of intimate partner violence and sex assault. The rate is significantly higher in Alaska’s indigenous populations. The social, justice and correctional systems are failing to address the causative factors of intimate partner violence in the scope of perpetrator motivations. Little work is being conducted in a proactive, preventive arena- further entrenching harmful norms and values in our unique populations. This roundtable discussion will focus on perpetrator traits, behaviours and causative factors in the context of culturally diverse populations with emphasis on indigenous populations. The session will explore perpetrator identification, education, intervention and treatment modalities using evidence-based, multi-disciplinary, culturally competent approach. Exploration of successful models in reducing recidivism will be explored. Intergenerational trauma and harm-reduction models with an emphasis on cultural norms and values will be explored. First responders and those in public health have the ability to respond to this public health crisis in a different, more meaningful way. | The Police Care Network was established as a collaborative partnership between the NHS and Police Scotland to improve health and justice outcomes for people in care of the police, reduce health inequalities, and improve community safety through reductions in offending related to health behaviours. The Network works across traditional organisational, professional and geographical boundaries providing national strategic leadership, expertise and advice in relation to the delivery of healthcare and forensic medical services for people in police care. This collaboration has helped to provide holistic, person centred care to those in police custody. This session will showcase the model and demonstrate how by working together NHS and Police Scotland have made the transition from traditional, security orientated custody suites to community justice hubs which focus on health improvement and reducing reoffending as well as criminal justice processes. The session will include short presentations with time for discussion, including the facilitation of ideas on how wider partners can contribute to supporting people through the criminal justice pathway. | There is widening recognition that the experience of engaging in the criminal justice process for survivors of traumatic experiences such as rape and sexual assault can fail to support recovery and actively re-traumatise, leading to disengagement and poor recovery. This workshop will describe a multi disciplinary training and workshop held on the Isle of Shetland for the development of a trauma informed pathway that supports recovery and minimises re-traumatisation for those reporting rape or sexual assault. A multi-disciplinary, multi-agency workshop was facilitated for staff from almost every organisation on the island with a role involving rape and sexual assault survivors. Participants used a trauma informed lens together to identify and evaluate every stage of the survivor journey in terms of the collection of evidence and support of psychological recovery, including all procedures, processes, contacts, examinations, policies, communications, interactions and environments. After summarising the approach taken on Shetland and relevant implications, participants in this session will use the animated film “Opening Doors” (8 minutes) and prompts provided to create their own trauma informed lens through which to examine their own practice and organization, identifying areas of strength and a plan for any areas for change. |
15.2 Paul Pedersen, Sudbury Police Service, Ontario, Canada | ||
Looking ahead to build the spirit of our women: Learning to Live Free from Violence Project | ||
In response to the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) gaining national attention, the Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS) committed to explore and develop an action plan to respond. In 2014, a partnership was established consisting of members of the N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre and the GSPS. The mandate was to develop community based strategies designed to address and bring awareness to MMIWG, effectively engaging Ontario and specifically Indigenous communities to end the cycle of violence. These strategies would include systems to ensure future generations of Indigenous women can live the way they deserve — with safety and respect. An innovative and unique approach was the recruitment of a paid civilian Aboriginal Women’s Violence Prevention Coordinator (AWVPC). The project came to life under the name ‘Looking Ahead to Build The Spirit Of Our Women-Learning To Live Free From Violence’.
This Marketplace session will explore the mutual benefits of multi-agency collaboration for staffing solutions and discuss the lessons learned and results achieved from a grass-roots local approach to national and multi-generations issues. |
3.30-4.00pm | AFTERNOON TEA |
C26 | C27 | C28 | C29 | |
Vulnerable populations | Learning about and living LEPH | LEPH in low and middle income countries | Our rights and what works for us Note: This presentation and facilitated discussion will occupy the whole session |
LOCATION: Ochil Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Harris Room, Galloway Suite |
LOCATION: Tinto Room, Lomond Suite |
LOCATION: Moorfoot Room, Lomond Suite |
CHAIR: Greg Denham, Law Enforcement and HIV Network, Australia | CHAIR: Stuart Thomas, RMIT University, Australia | CHAIR: Nick Crofts, Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health | ||
5:00-5:30pm | CLOSING PLENARY |