Session highlight: Populist politics impact on policing
Professor John Middleton from the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (Tuesday’s Plenary Session) will examine the current geopolitical climate that thrives on [...]

Session highlight: Why is domestic violence often a low priority?
We know quite well how to prevent, detect and mitigate domestic violence. However, in daily activities of law enforcement and public health this is not easily put into a co-operative practice. [...]

The Marketplace of Ideas will be a highlight of LEPH2023
A highlight of past LEPH conferences have been the Marketplace of Ideas. These practice focussed sessions will be up to 90 minutes duration, with smaller groups and highly interactive. They aim [...]

Focus on vulnerable populations at LEPH2023
The LEPH2023 program continues the conference series focus on the many and diverse law enforcement and public health responses to vulnerable populations. An excellent starting point and overview [...]

LEPH2023 local to global perspectives
Due to the high level of interest, LEPH2023 has morphed from a regional to an international conference with presentations ranging from local initiatives to global policy development. Kristin [...]

Country Leaders as Co-LEPH Orators
Not many conferences are honored by the presence of two ex-Presidents. At LEPH2023 they will be Co-LEPH Orators and be part of the opening morning’s proceedings. President Atifete Jahjaga, [...]

Call for Papers International Association of Women Police – Research Paper Series
International Association of Women Police Research Paper Series Call for Papers We are pleased to announce the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) has started a research E-Paper [...]