Scott Burris

Scott Burris is Professor of Law and Public Health at Temple University, where he directs the Center for Public Health Law Research. He is also a Professor in Temple’s College of Public Health. [...]

Michael Brown

Michael has had an enduring interested in policing, mental health and criminal justice for over twenty years.  He has been an operational police officer for over twenty-five years and is [...]

Stan Gilmour

Stan is a highly experienced and accomplished Strategic Consultant with 30 years of experience in law enforcement. He has a deep understanding of the complex challenges facing the criminal [...]

Auke van Dijk (The Netherlands)

Auke van Dijk (The Netherlands) Portfolio: Governance – internal & external Agora Police & Security, Dutch Police Service, Amsterdam, Netherlands Auke van Dijk is advisor to the chief of [...]

Katy Kamkar

KATY KAMKAR Clinical Psychologist at the Work, Stress and Health Program/Psychological Trauma Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Assistant Professor within the [...]

Brandon del Pozo (USA)

Brandon del Pozo Brandon del Pozo, PhD, MPA, MA is a postdoctoral researcher in substance use at Rhode Island’s Miriam Hospital and the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. He [...]

Inga Heyman

Dr Inga Heyman (Associate Professor, Policing and Public Health, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland) is a GLEPHA Fellow and Honorary Member of the Faculty of Public Health. Inga is a [...]

Melissa Jardine

Dr Melissa Jardine is an international policing consultant undertaking research and capacity building activities across the globe, with current projects in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and South [...]