Stan GilmourGLEPHA Fellow

    Stan is a highly experienced and accomplished Strategic Consultant with 30 years of
    experience in law enforcement. He has a deep understanding of the complex challenges
    facing the criminal justice system and wider partners and is committed to finding innovative
    solutions to combat transnational threats, reduce violence and inequality, and increase
    public safety.

    Previously the Director of the Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit, he is currently the
    lead for Risk Technology within the National Police Chiefs’ Council for the UK, Stan is
    spearheading the development and implementation of a Common Data Platform for
    information sharing across sectors.

    Stan is a Professor at Keele University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of
    Exeter. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Senior Associate Fellow with the
    Police Foundation, a Fellow of the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association,
    and an Ambassador for Administrative Data Research UK. These collaborations provide an
    excellent basis for his passions – developing public health approaches in policing and making
    the best use of public data for public good. He says:

    “If we are to tackle societal problems through addressing their root causes then we need to
    be working in multistakeholder partnerships, bringing Law Enforcement and Public Health
    practitioners and academics together in trauma informed approaches to problem solving.

    “We need a robust understanding and insight into the nature and prevalence of the complex
    risk factors that exist, and we need to be working through whole of society activities to build
    upon evidence and data-led approaches. 

    “It is in this context that I am proud to be a GLEPHA Fellow and represent its mission.

    His contact information is as follows:

    ‘X’: @StanGilmour