AUGUST 2-5, 2022
The Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative—the definitive voice of the field of deflection and pre-arrest diversion—invites you to attend its 2022 Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion Training Summit in Chicago, Illinois.
The emerging field of deflection and pre-arrest diversion (PAD) provides an opportunity for public safety practitioners to collaborate with the public health system to create community-based pathways to treatment and services for people with substance use, mental health, and co-occurring issues. These pathways can help to reduce overdose deaths, steer people with substance use or mental health disorders into treatment, and reduce the collateral consequences that can result from entering the justice system.
This summit—the only one of its kind—will provide the opportunity for individuals, teams, organizations, and community leaders to come together through cross-sector collaboration to learn about, develop, and enhance deflection initiatives that best address the needs of their communities.
Given the record number of lives lost to overdoses over the last year and the need to find alternate, non-justice responses for people with mental health challenges, there has never been a more essential time for first responders, behavioral health, and the community to work together to ensure access to treatment and services for people with substance use and mental health issues.