1st Annual Coalition for Canadian Police Reform Conference
Democracy Counts: Toward Systemic Police Reform for Canada
June 14-16, 2022, Virtual Platform
General Information
Presenting the 1st Annual Coalition for Canadian Police Reform Conference – This year’s conference will be a digital-first experience on our customized virtual platform with an immersive look and feel that will engage our delegates from start to finish. The conference will offer a platform for 200-500 participants from across Canada who care deeply about our country and our democracy to discuss important issues on policing in Canada.
Presented by Reboot Communications and the Coalition for Canadian Police Reform, this three-day digital-first conference will provide knowledge about the elements of police training our officers require to be better able to maintain the peace in the 21st Century. We anticipate everyone will be engaged in thoughtful discussion about the possibilities to uplift and support our police officers. The conference will be of interest to the public, police officers/executives, academics and public administrators, with interest in police or criminology topics.
Never before have citizens of Canada met together with police executives and academic professors! This is a unique opportunity whereby the diversity of thought and the mixing of minds could generate transformative perspectives. Your participation is key to the success of the event!
We need to analyze the way forward and plan constructively for how change might happen. How can police officers be uplifted and supported in their work?
Citizens will be part of a conversation about if, how and why policing should become more professional like accounting, lawyering or doctoring. Citizens will be able to express their perspectives about the knowledge and skills that should be included in police training.
Police officers will learn the perspectives of citizens and how those match up with their own ideas about the people skills every officer needs to practice “peace-keeping” instead of “peace-making”.
Academics will deliver short addresses that fill in the knowledge of how police learn and work today.