KStJ, PhD (Med), Hon LLD (Monash), FFPHM, FRSPH, FCHSM, CHE, FCLM (Hon) Dean and Distinguished Professor of Global Health Emeritus, Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University
Dr. Richard Southby is Dean and Distinguished Professor of Global Health Emeritus, Milken Institute
School of Public Health, The George Washington University. Dr. Southby joined The George Washington
University faculty in 1979.
In addition to his appointment at The George Washington University, Dr. Southby is Adjunct Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.
He is Honorary Professor, Faculties of Medicine, Monash University, The University of Melbourne and
The University of Sydney, Australia.
Professor Southby is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine; a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health
Medicine, Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and a Fellow of the Royal Society for
Public Health. He is an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine.
Since 1984 he has been the Director of the Interagency Institute for Federal Health Leaders, the major
continuing education program for senior health professionals from the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force,
US Public Health Service, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Prior to his academic appointment at The George Washington University, Dr. Southby was Director of
Health Services Research and Teaching in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at The
University of Sydney, and before that he was Senior Lecturer in Social and Preventive Medicine, Monash
University, Australia.
In 1975 Dr Southby was a full time Commissioner on the Australian Hospitals and Health Services
Commission, in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
Dr. Southby has served as a Reserve Officer in the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps, the United
States Army Reserve and the United States Navy Reserve. He is Affiliate Adjunct Professor of Military
Science, US Army ROTC, at Georgetown University and the Faculty Representative to the NROTC Unit
at The George Washington University.
Since 1989 he has been a member of the Metropolitan Police Department, Reserve Corps, Washington,
DC. He served as Reserve Commander in several Districts, Deputy Commanding Officer and Commanding Officer of the Reserve Corps. He is a member of the Police Officer Standards and Training
Board and is Senior Educational Adviser to the Police Department. He currently teaches police recruits
and other police personnel concerning the need for more effective collaboration between law enforcement and public health.
In addition to being Dean of the School of Public Health, he was the Founding Director of the Police
Science Program at The George Washington University. This undergraduate program has evolved into a
large graduate degree program with numerous specialty concentrations.
He has been a consultant on police education and training in Australia, Canada, Hungary, Malaysia, New
Zealand, Thailand and the United Kingdom. He is a member of the International Advisory Board for the
Scottish Institute for Policing Research.
On 27 May, 2024 he received a Doctor of Laws degree honoris causa from Monash University and delivered the Graduation Address. This is the highest award the University can offer.
Professor Southby has edited books and published in academic and professional journals. He is an Editor
and Contributor to ‘Law Enforcement and Public Health: Partners for Community Safety and Wellbeing’, published by Springer in 2022.