Adjunct Prof Richard Bent

GLEPHA President; Simon Fraser University


Prof Nick Crofts

Honorary Professorial Fellow, The Nossal Institute, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne

Dr Inga Heyman

Associate Professor (Criminal Justice and Public Health), School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. Co-Director Scottish Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health

Dr Rachel Jenner

Clinical Director Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit, Consultant in Emergency Medicine Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital


Dr Jo Peden

Consultant in Public Health, Advisor to West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit


Prof Zara Quigg

Public Health Institute, World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention, Liverpool John Moores University


Superintendent Hilary Sloan

Police Scotland Superintendent – Partnerships, Prevention & Community Wellbeing Division


Dr Alex Sutherland

Chief Scientist, Director of Research & Evaluation, Behavioural Insights Team


Andrew Langlois

AFFIRM at the Aspen Institute