PTACC Summit 2023 Call for Proposals
PTACC 2023 National Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion Summit
Expanding Horizons
October 3-6, 2023 in Denver, Colorado
Submissions due May 5th at 2pm ET
Proposals are now being accepted for the 2023 Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative’s (PTACC) National Deflection and Pre-arrest Diversion Summit. All submissions must be uploaded by May 5, 2023 at 2:00 EDT in order to be considered for the Summit. If your proposal is accepted by the planning committee, you will be offered a complimentary registration to the Summit! Submit your session proposal here.
The Summit goals are to:
- Expand the horizons of deflection by exploring deflection applications for populations and situations beyond (but never excluding!) overdose response.
- Highlight PTACC’s international partners.
- Provide practical, engaging, and unique learning opportunities for deflection sites and practitioners.
- Support the development and adoption of evidence-informed principles, and promote research or lessons learned.
- Highlight and elevate voices of lived expertise, including peers, program participants, and people in recovery.
- Highlight and elevate voices people who are often disenfranchised from treatment and support systems.
- Offer opportunities for participants to engage in discussion, problem solving, and shared learning.
Session types
- Moderated Panel: This is an hour long, discussion-focused session that should include 2-5 “presenters” and a moderator. This session should not be a series for separate presentations, but a discussion among and between panelists about a topic, approach, or issue in the field, along with supporting informational material. This format would fit well for sessions that aim to compare and contrast different approaches, present problem solving frameworks, explore complex issues, or highlight collaborative work.
- Perspectives from the Field: Presenters will offer a 15-20 minute presentation, with time for a Q&A period. Maximum of 2 presenters per presentation. Several presentations may be grouped together to create a theme for the session. This is a more traditional presentation format that would work well for presentations of research/evaluation findings, program outcomes, services, tools, or reports.
- Working Session: “Hosts” will organize a working session for specific group of participants. Working sessions include peer-to peer networking, communities of practice and deflection leadership. The time allowed for Working Sessions will be longer than traditional sessions (3 hours max). Opportunities for Working Sessions may take place on any day of the Summit, but priority will be given to sessions on Days 3 and 4, to reduce conflicts with other activities.
- Deflection Highlight: This a poster-style session that will allow deflection sites and PTACC Partners an opportunity to present their work in a conversational, networking session. If selected, PTACC will provide a format for the poster.