NPCC Four Nations Trauma Informed Virtual Conference- June 21 and June 22
The event will showcase speakers across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland sharing their experiences of implementing trauma informed practices within policing and the criminal justice system. The event will have inputs covering the following subjects: Trauma Informed Policing, Lived experience of Trauma, Trauma Informed practitioners supporting policing teams, Trauma Informed Custody practice, Working with faith communities to deliver Trauma Informed practice, Trauma and Shame, ACEs, Changing Cultures- Accountability Compassion and Time, Using data to deliver a Trauma Informed approach and a journey to becoming a Trauma Informed county.
This is the fifth webinar in the series with previous events including “What is a Public Health Approach to policing, modern slavery, sports and gangs?”
It will be held on the 21st /22nd June 2022. Registration and attendance are free.