BIG THANKS to all those who joined the GLEPHA 2022 Marketplace of Ideas over past three weeks. We hope #MOI2022 left you inspired as well as armed with a few new ideas.
Within the space of 18.5 hours, 12 hybrid sessions, 55 speakers, 41 presentations from 39 countries, and over 500 participants, we certainly achieved this through the 2022 GLEPHA Marketplace of Ideas.
It was an honour to spotlight your outstanding LEPH programmes from around the world. Those presentations and discussions clearly showed the need for innovation: Working in isolation does not work and connecting with those tackling similar challenges in new ways is more important than ever. When public health can overcome prejudices, learn about the role of law enforcement, and when police can form partnerships with communities and public health, then we can create potent changes in our societies.
We are grateful for the time and dedication of all the speakers, moderators, rapporteurs and audience who took part. Thanks also to the magnificent team working tirelessly behind the scenes. Collectively you all made this event possible.
We thank especially the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) for their support, not only for this event but for GLEPHA itself. We are also grateful to SG Publishing for their support and the special issue of the Journal of Community Safety & Well-being .
For those of you who were not able to join all the sessions and discussion – or if you would like to listen again to some presentations – you can view the recordings here. This forms an incredibly rich and current resource, so please share it with your friends and colleagues.