Police and public health deal with many of the same issues, but most often in isolation from each other, and often at cross-purposes. Many of the most urgent and critical current social, humanitarian, security and broad public health issues require an inter-sectoral approach, with police increasingly working to support the achievement of human rights-based public health goals. The First African Regional Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, ALEPH2024, is a must attend conference for anyone involved in the complex and diverse intersections of law enforcement and public health in Africa – police, public health practitioners, community and activists, policy makers and researchers from across many disciplines. In this emerging field it is important to bring together practitioners, policymakers and academics to explore the nature of the myriad interactions between police and public health, to learn how better to work together to achieve the best safety and wellbeing for the whole community.

Registrations are open here

For more information, visit the ALEPH 2024 website