The Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being (JCSWB) is pleased to announce that a special issue entitled “Updating Global Efforts to Promote and Secure First Responder Wellness” is now available online!
A selection of papers published in this special issue will drive and inform a JCSWB led session at the Canadian Policing Wellness Check Conference, hosted by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP).
Guest Editors:
Dr. Linna Tam-Seto, Ph.D., O.T.Reg.(Ont.), Assistant Professor, Trauma and Recovery Research Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; Research Scientist, Families Matter Research Group.
Dr. Jeff Thompson, Ph.D, Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA; Instructor, College of Leadership and Public Service, Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
This publication has been made possible through the generous support of Deloitte Inc. and thus enabling our global audience to have access to important research and perspectives from a diverse authorship that will bring awareness and improvements to mental health and general wellness issues facing the policing community.
View the Table of Contents and read the papers from this issue here