ETF REGIONAL RESEARCH UPDATES: WEBINAR 3 – Eastern Europe and Asia Pacific
The Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association, through its Envisaging the Future [...]
GLEPHA’s Envisaging the Future of Law Enforcement and Public Health project showcases practical examples of law enforcement, public health and community partnerships from across the globe. Since 2020, our research team has been identifying and documenting partnership approaches that innovatively explore effective and humane ways of responding to social and public health issues that have traditionally been criminalised or over-policed.
Innovative policing and public health partnerships and programs from around the world | Report series | 2023
This seven-part report series looks at innovative solutions to addressing a range of social and public health issues, with a particular focus on policing and policing alternatives. Each report focuses on a different topic – diversion, harm reduction, violence prevention, preventing violence against women, mental health, and working with marginalised communities – and includes practical examples (as program case studies) from around the world that are trying something new.
Working with marginalised communities: Innovative programs and police partnerships from around the world
Innovative violence prevention programs and police partnerships from around the world
Innovative programs from around the world for preventing violence against women and girls
Improving mental health outcomes through innovative programs and police partnerships
Policing key populations: Innovative programs and partnerships from around the world