Police and the Covid-19 Epidemic in South Asian Countries – Reports from Mozambique and Angola. 01 December 2020.

The Police and the Covid-19 epidemic in South Asia webinar focuses on the police voice, the experience of dealing with the epidemic from their point of view, and the ways they address day-to-day challenges.

The Covid-19 pandemic is posing particular and very difficult challenges for police forces worldwide; police have responded using a wide range of strategies. These have seen varying levels of success and this experience has led to important lessons for future pandemic policing. It is the aim of these webinars to examine the experience of police in different countries and settings in dealing with the epidemic, and to learn lessons from that experience that will help police and communities be better prepared.

The pandemic is highlighting that police are an integral and critical part of the public health workforce, and we cannot achieve the public health goals of community safety and well-being without active engagement of police as full public health partners. For this event, GLEPHA and partners bring together a diverse panel of police and health experts to share their experiences, observations and challenges from across the South Asia region.

Experiência da polícia na epidemia de COVID-19 – Relatórios de Moçambique e Angola. terça 1 de Dezembro 2020.

A pandemia Covid-19 criou desafios para a polícia, com a tarefa de fazer cumprir regulamentações de saúde muitas vezes impopulares, ao mesmo tempo em que está na linha de frente da exposição. Por meio desta série de webinars focados, o GLEPHA está a reunir policias e funcionários de saúde pública de diferentes países para partilhar assuas experiências de lidar contra os desafios que a pandemia trouxe – aprender uns com os outros e contribuir para a construção de uma comunidade colaborativa interessada no papel da polícia na realização dos objetivos de saúde pública.

Follow this link to view the webinar recording