Munya Katumba
Co-ordinator, African LEPH Network
There is a lack of systematic collaboration between the public health and criminal justice systems in dealing with many complex societal issues. Silo mentality is a major problem because of the tendency to view the issues as the business of one or other sector, whereas all require joined-up responses based on effective, sustainable and respectful partnerships between health authorities and agencies and law enforcement agencies. Clear examples can be seen in responses to mental health crises, road trauma, violence and to HIV transmission among key and marginalised populations – among many other health and criminal justice issues.
The Africa Law Enforcement and Public Health Network (ALEPHN) aims to look at innovative ideas and approaches, globally and regionally, and explore and promote their localisation in terms of context relating to culture, resources and social organization (including that of the police). This will meet the existing need to set the regional and local agendas, build networks, collaborations and partnerships, and combine forces for ongoing shared learning and action across Africa.
The ALEPHN will also focus on the concomitant need to look at the health and wellbeing of law enforcement officials, which is a prerequisite for a healthy organization and healthy partnerships. Police in particular operate under a range of stressful environments which have harmful impact on their health, manifesting in high rates of alcohol and drug use, stress disorders, mental health issues, violence and suicide. The health and wellbeing of police officers is clearly very important in this regard.
The ALEPHN was launched at the first ALEPH conference in Pretoria on December 4th, 2024. The regional network covers Sub-Saharan Africa to raise awareness and help build capacity to work on the collaboration.
Goals and Purpose
This regional network aims to raise awareness of the need to build and strengthen capacity in both the public health and criminal justice systems for collaborative responses to address complex societal issues with health and criminal justice implications and impact.
The purpose of the Africa LEPH Network is to bring together people and organisations from a range of sectors i.e. from law enforcement (especially police and public prosecutors), from public health and the community sector (dealing with all major public health issues), and local government, which is often responsible for building sustainable partnerships.
The ALEPH network will take practical steps to promote, educate about and implement the latest research findings and ideas presented at the biannual conferences on the key issues and the innovative collaborative programs addressing the key complex issues. The network will ensure all the relevant local and field knowledge that may not make it to the main journals is available and peer shared.

Auke van Dijk & Nick Crofts (2017) Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field, Policing and Society, 27:3, 261-275.
Van Dijk, A., & Crofts, N. (2017). Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field, Policing and Society, 27(3), 261-275. Doi:10.1080/10439463.2016.121973
Van Dijk, A., Herrington, V., Crofts, N., Breunig, R., Burris, S., Sullivan, H., Middleton, J., Sherman, S., & Thomson, N. (2019). Law enforcement and public health: Recognition and enhancement of joined-up solutions. The Lancet, 399 (10168), 287-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32839-3
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